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SHELTON Camp Registration

We're so excited to have your child attend camp at The Giggling Pig! Please fill out the following form and upload your child's Connecticut Health Assessment Record to register your child for camp. Registration is required for each child and is valid for 1 year from start date.

Registration must be completed before the 1st day of camp.

Online registration preferred. If you are unable to register online, fill out the pdf and email completed registration forms and health assessment records to:

Camp Type

Camper Information


Parent / Guardian Information

Emergency Contact

Authorization for Pick-Up

The following people are authorized to pick-up my child:

Medical Information

Allergies: Does your child have any allergies?

Please note that we are a nut-free facility.

Health Assessment Records

Physical exams are valid for 3 years from date of last examination. Please return the completed Connecticut Health Assessment Record to The Giggling Pig. A physical exam, including immunization records, must be provided BEFORE the First Day of Camp.

General Policies & Procedures

Discipline and Behavior Policy for Campers

Inappropriate behavior shall be defined as, but not limited to: Disruptive behavior, fighting, bullying, disobedience, or insubordination, actions which jeopardize the safety of staff and/or campers during supervised activities. Upon the 1st offense, the “unruly” camper shall be verbally warned. Upon the 2nd offense, the “unruly” camper shall be asked to sit out from that day’s activities, the parent shall be called. Upon the 3rd offense, the “unruly” camper shall receive a 1 day suspension from camp. Any further unruliness may result in expulsion from camp and forfeiture of par/all camp fees. 

Email Opt-in


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